2017 Results

Results of the 2017 competition

Middle School

Best Overall Crystal
1st prize: Nick Bentley, Brooklyn Anderson, Shattuck MS, Neenah
2nd prize: Dan Saari, Brendan Philippe, Hortonville MS, Hortonville
3rd prize: Nevaeh Thomas, John Bullen MS, Kenosha

Best Quality Crystal
Kaitlyn Twesme, Lake Mills MS, Lake Mills

Best Teacher’s Crystal
Nicole John, Homeschool, Kenosha

Highest Aesthetic Value Crystal
William Cesar, Mason Freeman, Daemien Luangpraseuth, Hortonville MS, Hortonville

Best crystal-inspired art
1st prize: Payton Kelly-Van Domelen, Bright Minds Academy, Sun Prairie
2nd prize: Ashley Temich Sanchez, Cherokee Heights MS, Madison

High School Competition

Best Overall Crystal
1st prize: Thomas Foster, Fond du Lac HS, Fond du Lac
2nd prize: Youhe Gao, Judy Park, Edgewood HS, Madison
3rd prize: Adriana Andrews, Sheyenne Detaege, Thomas Stelow, Hartford Union HS, Hartford

Best Quality Crystal
Kiley Klauer, Tyler Koelbl, Oshkosh North HS, Oshkosh

Best Teacher’s Crystal
Michelle Klysen, Oshkosh North HS, Oshkosh
Jim Prosser, Fond du Lac HS, Fond du Lac

Highest Aesthetic Value Crystal
Deven Lien, Bailey Anderson, Josh Nitek, Blair-Taylor HS, Blair

Best crystal-inspired art
1st prize: Olivia Burkholz, Hartford Union HS, Hartford
2nd prize: Joe Shikoski, Cole Knier, Reedsville HS, Reedsville
3rd prize: Tirzah Kiffmeyer, Northern Lakes Regional Academy, Rice Lake

Space crystal prize

The following students have been chosen to participate in the International Space Station crystallization experiment:

Middle school team
Nick Bentley Shattuck MS, Neenah
Kaitlyn Twesme, Lake Mills MS, Lake Mills

High school team
Thomas Foster, Fond du Lac HS, Fond du Lac
Kiley Klauer, Oshkosh North HS, Oshkosh

Crystallization Mission logo design team
Payton Kelly-Van Domelen, Bright Minds Academy, Sun Prairie
Olivia Burkholz, Hartford Union HS, Hartford